Perhaps it is the role your parents always guided you towards, perhaps it is something totally different but we need to find out what. Your role may change over the years, at this point in time it is to be exactly where you are, and yet as time changes you, as your role, will change and develop into something new. Perhaps you can do not much of anything, and then one day you happen to be in the right place at the right time to do something that you feel really proud of. Perhaps it is to dedicate your life to research only to reach no end, and for one of your students to find the connection you have been looking for. This does not mean that you were not meant to find it, only that you were to research it. The student can have no major claim in the development of this more than the researcher as BOTH were needed and required to find the end result.
No man is worth more than another. Each life is valid and important. We must all exist to recognise our full potential, throughout the points and stages of our long or short lives. No life is wasted. Perhaps only to a few, or to many, but each life has meaning.
The journey to uncovering your role is not what they teach in school. It may not be what your parent spoke to you about, nor your friends but it is there waiting. This is the School of Life. A few will always fulfil their potential naturally. These are those who may have worked the hardest before, or may be those we need the most at the time. BUT there are many of us, and we each need to understand what our roles are. Perhaps yours is to spend your life looking, and in doing so affect others to do the same. Perhaps you will find it only in later life, or at the very early stages but we each have something to give and contribute to this wonderfully complicated, complex and diverse world we live in.
We will need to use our own guidance system with our Instincts, Influences, Awareness, Perception and Beliefs. Using tools of Meaning, Attraction, Seriousness, Expression and Questions we can begin the path of uncovery. And it will affect many areas of our lives. Changes are often not dramatic they are not like films with explosions or realisations but more like the sea; sometimes slow and even, other times breezy and tempestuous, other times rough and choppy. Natural, honest, integral and necessary change.
At present we are often told of the changes occurring on our planet with climate change and natural disasters; there are many resources on the internet about change in people hearts and minds; we are also told of astrological changes of Mayan calendars and 2012 but what does it really mean? For me it means a time of change. Moving from one era of humanity to another, we have, whether we like it or not, a sped up time of change. Technological, cultural and emotional, change is happening as we speak. Our perceptions create the change that we see and are affected by, our emotions tell us whether we like or dislike these changes. And with this time of change, inevitably comes a reordering.
A re-assessment of where we are as a race, a taking stock of the people, recourses and things in our life, an audit. What are the results of your internal and external audits? Are you living a life you are happy with? Do you feel like you are fulfilling your potential? Do you have a good work-life balance? Do you feel like you have more to give or not enough? These are the questions to ask. These are the questions to answer honestly, profoundly. No superficial answers are allowed. If you give surface level answers throw them out, go deeper, push farther and then tell me what you find.
I would like to share this journey for you, through sharing stories, trials and successes. We are after all, in this together.